Membership of National M.Sc Medical Teachers' Association

Following are the classes of Members:

(a) Founding Members, (b) Life Members, (c) Honorary Members, (d) Ex-officio Members, (e) Student Members

For definition, existing members may see Rules & Regulations.

Eligibility for life membership:

The life membership of the Association shall be confined to those who have postgraduate qualification (medical M.Sc degree) in any of the following disciplines: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Microbiology conducted by any medical college/institution (recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI) or National Medical Commission (NMC) for conducting either MBBS or MD/MS course) awarded under the faculty of medicine.

Apply for life membership:

Eligible individuals can apply only through online mode.

The lifetime membership fee is Rs. 3000 (three thousand only) wef 11-09-2022.

These are the modes of payment:

  • Online transfer to Association's account. If you have online banking facility, there are three ways of making payment: NEFT transfer, online transfer and mobile UPI app. Please do not transfer money from offshore (foreign) bank accounts.
    1. NEFT transfer
      • If you don't know about NEFT or how to use them, read this article.
      • Log into your online bank account and add beneficiary
      • Add NMMTA as a beneficiary with these information: Union Bank of India, Account number: 629102010002286, IFSC code: UBIN0931730, Account name: National M.Sc Medical Teachers Association, Account type: Savings.
      • Once the beneficiary is approved by you and activated by the bank, transfer the money to NMMTA's account.
      • Note down the transaction ID or take a screenshot of the successful payment.
    2. Online transfer via Instamojo (charges extra)
      • For more information and instant money transfer, click here
    3. Mobile UPI app
      • If you don't know what are UPI apps or how to use them, read this article.
      • Download and install UPI app of your choice, create your Virtual Payment Account (VPA) by adding your bank account.
      • In order to transfer money to NMMTA, add VPA of NMMTA, which is 57534501@ubin.
      • The exact method of transfer may vary across different apps. Follow specific instructions of your app.
      • Upon successful transfer, take a screenshot of your mobile screen for future references.
  • Extra donations are welcomed.

Instructions for online submission:

  • Before the submission, please note the following requirements:
  • Make the payment by one of the following ways and keep the proof of payment ready.
  • Online submission of application DOESN'T include online transfer of money. Payment first, submission next.
  • Scan your degree certificate in 100 dpi in JPG, GIF or PNG format. The acceptable file dimensions are width: 650 to 750 px, height: 800 to 950 px. The file size must be within 30 and 100 kb.
  • If image is not as specified, please alter it accordingly before uploading. Here is an excellent website that will crop/resize your images online for free: PIC RESIZE
  • Please watch this video to learn how to resize certificate and other images on picresize website.
  • Fill in your particulars and upload the degree file.
  • Accept the terms and conditions, review your submission and then submit the application.

Click here to start online application

Membership approval process

After scrutinizing the application, your membership will be confirmed and intimated by an email to your registered email ID. Applicants are requested to be patient for up to three weeks after the submission of application form.

Digital certificate can be downloaded by logging into the website. Physical certificate and the receipt for payment shall be delivered by hand only at the venue of Annual General Body meeting.

Membership approval process is handled by the Membership Division, hence all queries must be addressed to the Membership Division.

Please read the Frequently asked questions for any doubts.

Eligibility for student membership:

Students who are pursuing medical M.Sc course in medical college/institution under the faculty of medicine are eligible to enrol themselves as student member by paying an one-time fee of Rs.1000 (one thousand) only (revised since 11-09-2022). After completion of the course, they may become life members after payment of additional Rs.2000 (Two thousand) only. Completely filled application must accompany a self-attested photocopy of the college identity card clearly mentioning the course joined.

Click here to start online application

Those student members who had joined as student members prior to 11-09-2022 by paying Rs.1000 and have completed their course and obtained their degree certificate from the University must apply for up-gradation to Life Membership by paying a one-time fee of Rs.2,000. They can apply online by clicking here. The fee can also be paid here.